Car Maintenance 101: Simple Tips to Keep Your Ride Running Smoothly

Car maintenance essentials – DIY tips for keeping your vehicle running smoothly

Owning a car is like having another member of the family. Many people today are very fond of cars. If you want your car to perform at its best, knowing the tips for good and effective car maintenance is essential. Regular maintenance is required for the smooth running of your car. Basic car maintenance tips will be useful for beginners.

Knowing the basics of car maintenance allows a car owner to be aware of and address issues that may affect their car’s performance while on the road. However, not everyone has the opportunity to learn everything there is to know about car maintenance tips. Hence, we have prepared this article for all of you to have a better understanding and knowledge of the main car maintenance tasks that a car owner should perform.

The Importance Of Car Maintenance By Its Owner

Before we dive into car maintenance tips, it is important to have a better understanding of the importance of maintaining a car and why it is important for a car owner to know the proper ways to repair their car in the shortest possible time. Since you have invested in your car, you should ensure that it is properly maintained. However, there are many reasons why you can maintain your car and keep it in the best shape and condition possible.

You need to know the types of car maintenance and all the necessary dos and don’ts about it. You can prevent all kinds of car problems simply by following the recommended maintenance schedule. When you travel by car, the last thing you want to happen is for your car to break down. Regular maintenance of all the systems and other parts can help you avoid costly repairs.

A car breakdown late at night on a quiet road can be very dangerous. When you stop on a quiet road, you never know what will happen. Regular maintenance will reduce the chances of a car breakdown and keep your car in great condition to take you on your journey. For road grip, checking the tread and air pressure of your car tires is very important and plays a very important role in the comfort of your trip.

Useful Car Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is very inexpensive, but unexpected repairs and replacements can be costly. Parts on a car suddenly stop working for no apparent reason, and this sudden occurrence can add up to a surprisingly high cost of troubleshooting and repairing your car.

When you neglect car maintenance, minor problems can develop that can turn into serious problems if they continue. Regular car maintenance allows you to check for small problems like cracks, leaks, excessive friction wear, and tears.

If you pay attention to these details and carry out repairs, you can save the part and avoid replacing it for a long time. Car maintenance in some ways increases the life of the engine and other parts and reduces the need for replacement. As a result, it helps reduce repair costs. In this section, we have listed some important tips about car maintenance that every car owner should be familiar with.

1. Correct Use Of The Car Manual

Your car manual is your first and most important guide before you start following the car maintenance recommendations. A user manual is a great help for new car owners who are unfamiliar with new car maintenance tips and need help and guidance. In this manual, you will find item-by-item information about your car. User manuals are also easily available online on the car manufacturer’s website.

If you can’t find a printed copy of your owner’s manual, the online version will help you out in times of need. If you want to know more about your car, consider the owner’s manual as your bible. By referring to the owner’s manual, you can easily solve any problems and issues.

2. Checking The Brake System

There is nothing more important when driving a vehicle than safety. And one of the main factors affecting it is the braking system. If the brakes fail, the car’s safety systems can save you. To understand the condition of the braking system, it is necessary to check it. There are several ways to do this.

  • Firstly, there should be no extraneous sounds when braking. If they are, it is necessary to check and replace the brake pads, clean the discs.


  • Secondly, if the car pulls to the side when braking, it is necessary to check the brake fluid level. If it is normal, clean the system from dirt.


  • Thirdly, if the brake pedal gradually fails during long-term operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the brake pads and, if necessary, replace them.


  • Fourthly, if the brake pedal is “soft”, pay attention to the brake fluid level.


  • Fifthly, if your car is equipped with a brake monitoring system, take its signals as a guide to action, and do not ignore them.
Mechanic checking car brake system at Dallas Complete Auto in Lancaster, Dallas, TX

3. Diagnostics And Refilling Of Car Air Conditioner

To operate smoothly and efficiently, your car’s cooling system and radiator must be clean. With normal wear and tear, deposits build up on the radiator, which can interfere with the cooling system’s performance.

Flushing your radiator is a simple and inexpensive way to keep your cooling system in good working order. Check your car’s manual to see if your radiator should be flushed once a year or every two years.

Today, air conditioning is practically standard equipment for new cars – we use it with pleasure, especially on long highways during the holiday season. For an air conditioner to operate efficiently, it requires a sufficient amount of refrigerant circulating in the system after installation.

The problem is that the air conditioning system is not completely sealed, even in a new installation we find small leaks that allow the refrigerant to gradually escape – as a result of damage to the car, large gaps can appear in the system that allow the refrigerant to escape faster. Therefore, it is necessary to update its level regularly.

Technician refilling car air conditioning system at Dallas Complete Auto in Lancaster, Dallas, TX

When Should You Recharge Your Car's Air Conditioning System?

Without the required amount of refrigerant, the car’s air conditioning system will no longer cool as efficiently as it should. Therefore, if you notice a significant decrease in the quality of cooling in your car, you should first make sure that it is sealed and that the amount of refrigerant in the air conditioner complies with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

To be on the safe side, it is worth topping up the gas level every time you periodically check the air conditioner.

How Does Car Air Conditioning Refilling Occur?

It is better to entrust filling to professional car services that offer air conditioning services. For refueling, professionals use a special device which is connected to the car’s air conditioning system.

  • First of all, the refrigerant gas in the system must be removed;

  • Then, using the created vacuum, possible damage in the system through which the refrigerant may leak is found;

  • At the very end, the refrigerant is filled in the amount specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

Important! To prevent breakdown of the car air conditioner, it is recommended to carry out timely maintenance and diagnostics, which can only be carried out by qualified technicians.

4. Continuously Check Tire Pressure And Balance

Tire rotation is essential to maintaining the safety and performance of your vehicle. It helps improve the steering response of your vehicle. It also maintains the quality of the vehicle. Rotating tires helps the tires wear evenly and helps improve the life of the tires.

It is very important to check the air pressure of your car tires at least once or twice a month and it is mandatory to check the air pressure of your car tires before planning a trip. There are different types of tire pressure and balance, depending on the car you have and many other factors.

Your tire pressure should be more or less than the stated pressure. This is a very important point. You should update the pressure and balance of your tires by considering the road conditions where you live. To achieve the balance of your car tires, you need basic knowledge of car maintenance tips that will help you in situations like this. The amount of air pressure required for your car tires is specified in the owner’s manual.

All tires lose air, so checking your tires monthly is an essential part of basic car maintenance. Always use the same tire pressure gauge and check the air pressure first thing in the morning, not after you’ve driven them or when they’ve been in the hot sun for a long time.

Adjusting your car’s tire pressure is a very simple task. Just remove the valve stem cap and attach a gauge securely to the end. Make sure it fits snugly so that air doesn’t leak out of the rims, which can lead to inaccurate readings. Now you need to maintain the factory recommended pressure, which is displayed on a placard, usually near the driver’s side door.

Mechanic checking tire pressure and balance at Dallas Complete Auto in Lancaster, Dallas, TX

5. Engine Repair And Replacement

Car engines wear out over the course of the kilometers traveled. When our engine is already in operation, it begins to “eat” a large amount of motor oil and does not work as it should, and then problems with the power and operation of the engine begin.

Spare Parts For Engine Repair

In such cases, we have two options for replacing the engine – with another used one or sending our unit for repair. Is it worth restoring a damaged engine?

What Is Better, Engine Repair Or Replacement?

This is the question every car owner asks himself when the car engine stops working properly. Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages.

When buying a used engine, we gain time. Most often, such an engine falls into our hands in a few days. However, we do not know its actual condition. Often, after purchasing and installing such an engine, it turns out that it is in a similar or even worse condition than our current engine. Then we lose not only time, but also money on installing and removing the engine.

Professional car repair shop Dallas Complete Auto in the Lancaster Ave Dallas of Texas, offers high-quality services for major repairs of car engines of any brand. Our specialists can repair or replace such elements as the engine block, cylinder head or crankshaft. We replace all damaged elements with new original ones.

6. Replacing The Car Oil Filter And Air Filter

Your car is a complex machine with many small and large components. Since a car is a moving machine, it involves many moving parts. A car cannot function properly without lubrication. So, it is therefore to ensure the smooth operation of these parts, and this is where the use of oil and oil filter comes into play. 

The oil filter keeps the oil clean and free from contaminants. Having too much oil in the engine can be just as bad as not having enough oil. Too much oil in the engine can lead to air bubbles and many other issues.

To check your car’s engine oil level, make sure the vehicle is on a relatively level surface, and if you have just parked it, wait a few minutes as the oil may not have completely drained into the pan, which could lead to an incorrect reading.

Fresh air is a wonderful thing for life, and it is also equally essential for your vehicle’s engine. Without a free flow of oxygen, internal combustion simply cannot take place. That is why it is important to check your car’s air filter regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly. 

If the air filter is clogged with dirt and debris, air will not flow as well, and as a result, it will reduce the output of your engine. But the good news is that they are usually inexpensive and easy to replace.

7. Automotive Oils

Automotive chemistry covers several types of working fluids, without which no vehicle can function normally. This group also includes motor oils, available in many different varieties, responsible for the smooth operation of the car engine.

Important Functions of Motor Oil

The use of suitable motor oil is determined by the engine type and the vehicle mileage. In practice, the best solution is semi-synthetic oil, which combines the positive properties of synthetics and the protection characteristic of mineral oils.

Car service and repair companies usually have many different types of motor oils in their range. When making a choice, you can always seek advice from an experienced auto engine specialist.

A well-chosen motor oil has several main functions. Its main task is to reduce friction that occurs during engine operation and to cool the components associated with friction.

An engine running on low oil can overheat and seize, which means permanent damage. Less friction means less wear on parts, which means the engine will last longer.

Another important aspect is the tightness of the engine, which must be ensured by the oil. The lower the friction and wear of the parts, the higher the level of tightness, additionally reinforced by this substance.

The oil also protects engine parts from corrosion, ensures surface cleanliness and allows components to operate over a wide temperature range.

Types Of Motor Oils

Both experienced and young drivers have many problems with choosing the right oil for individual vehicle units. The market offers many trendy products from well-known manufacturers. Some oils differ not only in brand, but also in composition or production method.

According to the main classification, we divide motor oils into mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic, and opinions on the quality of each of them are divided. Each motor oil is a mixture of base oil and various additives that determine its functionality.

  • Mineral Oils

Heavy, very dense and requires frequent replacement. Their disadvantage is that they form toxic compounds during combustion, including carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. These oils are used in engines with high mileage.

  • Semi – Synthetic Oils

These are an alternative to mineral products. Since most of the chemical composition is created artificially through the process of synthesis, there are improvements that make these oils more effective in practice, more resistant to oxidation, so that the engine remains clean and free of deposits.

  • Synthetic Oils

These are less common, so they reach the specified locations faster and also make it easier to start a cold engine.

A compromise between mineral and synthetic oils is semi-synthetic oils.

8. Car Battery Maintenance

Use your owner’s manual and the online if necessary to learn the basics of car battery maintenance. You should be aware of the location of your car battery. It also helps if you know the type of battery you have.

The next step is to learn how to safely disconnect the battery and clean the terminal contacts if necessary. Always remember to disconnect the negative battery terminal first.

This effectively cuts off the power and reduces the risk of an accident. Before reconnecting, clean the contacts with a rechargeable battery brush. Start with the positive terminal first this time. Cleaning your battery every so often can help it last longer.

9. Inspection Of Tires And Pressure Check

Inspect the tire tread at least once a week. In addition to foreign objects, it is important to pay attention to the uniformity of wear of the tread, which is used to judge the correctness of the toe-in angles. You should check the pressure at least once a month – before a long trip with a full load, it is necessary to pump up the tires.

10. Charging The Battery

If you use the car regularly, the battery does not require recharging. During long periods of inactivity or trips of 2-3 km, it is recommended to regularly charge the battery from the mains. The built-in charge indicator is not always accurate, since the measurement is carried out only in one of the cans. It is also necessary to regularly remove dust and traces of electrolyte vapors from the body.

11. Maintaining Vehicle Fuel Efficiency

It is no secret that maintaining your car’s fuel level helps you get better mileage. Maintaining fuel economy is also more cost-effective. Your car’s odometer gets severely damaged as a result of constant speed changes and reckless driving. In the long run, it reduces the life of your car’s engine. As a result, your car doesn’t run smoothly and you spend more time in the garage.

Don’t rely on your car to transport large items regularly. Remember that the heavier your car is, the less mileage it will get. If you own a business that needs to move large items daily, you should buy a car that is suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, your car may be damaged.

12. Protecting Car Headlights

When you park on a flat surface, turn on your headlights to make sure they are both working and in the right place. This is one of those exterior car maintenance tips that is essential to a smooth driving experience. Visually check both the turn signals by walking around the car and looking at your headlights. 

To make sure your brake lights are working, have a friend stand behind the car while you apply the brakes and make sure they are working properly.

13. Fluid Levels, Belt Tension, Hose Tightness

The complexity of this process is similar to checking the condition of tires. During it, the driver of the vehicle pays attention to the state of belt tension, the levels of brake, coolant and engine oil in the corresponding expansion tanks and engine, as well as the presence of traces of leaks on the hoses and fittings. 

These manipulations will allow you to assess the integrity of the hoses and the absence of fluid leaks. You should pay particular attention to the engine oil level, not exceeding the “Max” mark and not dropping below the “Min” mark.

14. Timely Maintenance

For each car model, the manufacturer develops a service card, and the list of works with the mileage is given in the service book. For passenger cars, often used in traffic jams, the recommended interval between engine oil changes is 7-9 thousand km. 

For cars, mainly moving on the highway, the interval can be increased to 10 thousand km. It is not recommended to change the oil after 15 thousand km, as prescribed by many manufacturers. 

Early oil change will benefit the engine. It is recommended to change the filter installed in the heating and ventilation system twice a year. When contaminated, the air supply to the cabin deteriorates, and an unpleasant odor appears. It is equally important to regularly change the oil in the transmission units, check the condition of the brakes and suspension. Even if the car is serviced in an unofficial service center or a small workshop, it is better to ask the employees to fully check all the units and report any defects found.

15. Washing

The car body is constantly exposed to dust and dirt, and in the autumn and winter, road reagents are added to it, causing the paint to become cloudy and corrosion to appear. Regular washing is one of the main stages of maintenance – it is necessary to thoroughly wash away dirt from hidden cavities. For example, on many cars, dirt washed off the glass flows into the cavities in the lower part of the front fenders and causes corrosion.

16. Checking The Windshield Wipers

During the operation of the car, the windshield cleaning system is also subject to wear and tear among all the systems. Even a beginner can easily check the wear and tear visually, based on the quality of surface cleaning. And you can replace the windshield wipers yourself. The main thing is to make sure that the new items you buy are specifically for your car model.

17. Interior Cleaning

Dirt gets into the car interior from shoes and is also drawn in through the ventilation system. The filter does not provide 100% air purification from dust, and open glass in the doors supplies an additional portion of small particles to the interior. 

It is recommended to vacuum the interior at least once a month, wet cleaning is necessary once every 2-4 months. Applying polish to plastic gives the surface a shine, but without wet cleaning, layers of polish absorb dirt.

Keep your car running at its best! Follow these simple maintenance tips and ensure a smooth, hassle-free ride. Need professional help?

In Conclusion

A car is not only a convenient means of transportation, but also a serious technical device that requires care and attention. Regular maintenance of your car is a key factor for its reliable and safe operation. Car service in Dallas Complete Auto offers a full range of car maintenance services, helping you keep your car in excellent shape.

Regular car maintenance does not require a lot of time and money, but it affects the appearance and reliability of the car. It is much more pleasant to sit in a clean car, not to see streaks of dirt or a thick layer of dust on the dashboard and door panels. A well-maintained car will start in any weather, and the risk of sudden failure on a road will be significantly reduced.